Giving for Mission

At the core of the Holy Advent community is giving. We have a long history of outreach that has made a difference locally and in the world. Through the guidance of the Holy Spirit we faithfully respond to grow God’s Kingdom here on earth.  We encourage all our parishioners to be joyful in giving back to God. “Giving back” takes many forms here at Holy Advent. We encourage you to explore ways that you can give back to Holy Advent and deepen your relationship with God. 

Giving Financially

One of the easiest ways to help us continue our mission and transform the world around us is by giving financially. Your gifts are especially appreciated at this time in our history when we are growing our congregation and celebrating our 140th anniversary. Holy Advent also welcomes "one time" gifts from those who wish to assist us in our ministry. You can send a check to Church of the Holy Advent, 81 East Main Street, Clinton, CT 06413.


We strongly encourage all of our members to consider pledging. A pledge is proclaiming to God what you intend to give for the coming year. Pledges allow the leaders of our church to prayerfully discern a budget and use our resources wisely. The ideal pledge for any Christian is a tithe (10%) of your annual income, but we are grateful for any amount you are comfortable giving. Weekly Envelopes are available in the back of the church.

Gifts of Stock, Securities and Life Insurance

Holy Advent accepts donations of appreciated stock or securities. This method of giving may have tax benefits for you in the deferral of capital gains. By naming Holy Advent as beneficiary to your Life Insurance, you provide lasting financial support and possibly qualify for tax benefits as well.


​We humbly request that you consider Holy Advent in your Estate Planning. Bequeathing a portion of your estate to Holy Advent not only guarantees that Holy Advent will be able to continue it's mission, but also that a legacy is created in your or your family's name. Include the following statement in your will: “I leave to the Episcopal Church of the Holy Advent, Clinton, CT the sum of $_____ or_____percent of the residue of my estate, whichever is greater, for its religious, educational and charitable works.”

Special Projects/Honorary and Memorial Gifts

There are always special projects that you may be interested in supporting with designated gifts. These include:

  • Stained glass window (in your family's name)
  • Additional organ pipes to enhance the music ministry
  • Other Options

​Honorary gifts are given in recognition of individuals, anniversaries or special events. Memorial gifts are given to support ministries and commemorate the accomplishments of individuals who have passed. Memorial and honorary gifts can be designated to a specific ministry or project or can be undesignated. They may also be set up as named endowments for ministry purposes.  Simply state of whom you would like to give the gift in honor/memory. For more information about special projects or honorary and memorial gifts, please call the Holy Advent office at 860-669-2232.

Matching Gifts

A corporate matching gift program can multiply a gift to Holy Advent. These programs allow employees to direct their employer's charitable giving to the benefit of Holy Advent. Please speak with your human resources or employee benefits office. Donors may also qualify for a matching gift program from the company on whose board they serve.

If you would like more information about any of these methods of giving, please contact the Parish office at 860-669-2232. As always, please contact your tax professional to discuss specific tax implications.

Donate Time or Service

Mowing /wedding the lawn; setting up for Funerals, Weddings, or Events; give a member a ride to church; serve as a Liturgical Assistant; serve as an Usher; or serve on a committee or task force are some of the ways you can donate your time or service.

  • Food For All Garden
  • Holy Advent's Food for All Garden contributes more than 6,000 pounds of fresh fruits and vegetables to Shoreline Soup Kitchens and Pantries throughout the growing season. Monetary, other donations and volunteers are always welcome!
  • Host a Coffee Hour
  • Coffee Hour is a wonderful tradition at Holy Advent, held each Sunday after the 10:00 service. Hosts provide tasty treats to supplement coffee and tea provided by the church. Hosts also set up and clean up. You can host with friends or by yourself. Sign up on the sheet in the parish hall. Contact the Parish Office for more information.

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